Language in Iceland
The official language of Iceland is Icelandic, and although much of the population speaks excellent English, we've compiled an article full of helpful advice and basic phrases you can use to make your trip easier.
The official language of Iceland is Icelandic, however, English is understood and spoken very well in most places, so you don't need to worry about not speaking the language. Having said that, we always recommend learning a few basic phrases in your destination's language to show respect for the local people and their culture and to help you understand menus and road signs.
- Hello
- Halló
- Goodbye
- Bless
- Good morning
- Góðan daginn
- Good afternoon
- Gott kvöld
- Good evening / goodnight
- Góða nótt
- Please
- Vinsamlegast
- Thank you
- Takk
- You're welcome
- Ekkert
At the restaurant
- Water
- Vatn
- Beer
- Bjór
- Wine
- Vín
- Bread
- Brauð
- Meat
- Kjöt
- Fish
- Fiskur
- Soup
- Súpa
- Dessert
- Eftirrétt
- Coffee
- Kaffi
- Tea
- Te
- Ice cream
- Ís
- The bill
- Reikningurinn
Days of the week
- Monday
- Mánudagur
- Tuesday
- Þriðjudagur
- Wednesday
- Miðvikudagur
- Thursday
- Fimmtudagur
- Fridays
- Föstudagur
- Saturday
- Laugardagur
- Sunday
- Sunnudagur
- One
- Einn
- Two
- Tveirr
- Three
- þrír
- Four
- Fjórir
- Five
- Fimm
- Six
- Sex
- Seven
- Sjö
- Eight
- Átta
- Nine
- Níu
- Ten
- Tíu